Today's Miles = 33.3
Average Speed = 8.2 mph
Maximum Speed = 32.7 mph
Total Miles = 499.1
I'm finding that it is really quite easy to lose track of what day it is, and today that worked out to my detriment. When I checked out of my motel this morning I had sorted out a bag of things I decided that I really didn't need to be carrying anymore. As I was riding my bike uphill towards the post office I begin to notice that most of the local shops were closed. Suddenly it dawned on me that today was Sunday and I wouldn't be getting rid of this junk after all. At least that meant there was one less errand to run before I could leave town.
I still needed to visit the Wal-Mart in town to get a supply of AA batteries and some food for the road. Unfortunately I found that the directions to the store I had gotten were useless, and I kept getting different stories from the locals I asked for help. I ended up riding up the same hill next to the post office three times before I finally found the Wal-Mart to stock up.
On my way out of town, as I was about halfway along my first descent of the day, I spotted a pickup parked along the other side of the highway and a man waving both arms at me. After coming to a stop and crossing the highway, I found that the truck contained the Lee family who had let me stay in their home two nights before. The Lees had stopped to talk to another cross-country cyclist, Len O'Donnell, who is crossing the country to raise enough money to purchase a new fire engine for FDNY. Len's story was far more interesting than mine, so I stayed by the side of the road with the Lees and Len for awhile listening to their tales, then we finally said our farewells and I proceeded on.
My riding today was slow once again, being hampered by the hills and the headwind. My final destination for the night ended up being the Raccoon Branch campground near Sugar Grove. I pitched my tent beneath some trees next to the stream that runs through camp, and was asleep shortly after the sun set for the evening.